
About us

At the Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation, we believe in funding the vision and dreams of talented Hispanic young men and women committed to studying medicine and other healthcare-related fields in all corners of the U.S. and the world.

The Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation offers a variety of grants, scholarships and awards for students who have academic distinction. The Foundation is an entity who acts in a free, responsible, autonomous way; guided by ethical principles and respect for human dignity.

The Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation scholarship recipients reflect geographic, economic, social and cultural diversity; mirroring the intrinsic dignity of the person as fundamental human right. The dignity of an individual cannot be denied. In our foundation, we affirm the inalienable right to life, to family, to foster a social climate favorable to integral development, solidarity, and mutual appreciation.

Our grants and scholarships will benefit outstanding academic students coming from milieus that have not allowed access to the world of healthcare professionals to fulfill their social commitment.

Applications and required documentation are reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. Approval is based on sincere interest in advancing in the healthcare field with consideration given to financial need.

Once the scholarship is approved, a Scholarship Agreement is signed and returned to the Foundation by the student. A check is then mailed to the student’s office of Financial Aid for the scholarship amount to be applied to the student’s account. Applications can be downloaded CLICK HERE.

Our Mission

Inspired by the spirit of our Founder, Dr. Ramon Tallaj and his social vision of the medical profession; our mission is to work with talented young people of low socio-economic status to help train physicians, general surgeons and professionals in healthcare related fields.

The Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation strives to have a positive impact in the lives of outstanding individuals and the communities we serve. Learn more about how we transform healthcare through diversity, inclusion, and public engagement.

We Are Making a Difference

Dear friend,

I am honored to have a foundation named after me that has the support of generous contributors such as yourself. For the last 5 years, the mission of the Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation has been to ensure that the gift of an excellent medical education is a viable option for future generations. We support those students with high academic achievements and low financial resources by creating an endowment fund through fundraising programs that will focus on key educational healthcare priorities.


“We aspire to challenge students to enhance their academic success.”


See what scholars and graduates are saying about us
Michelle Beltrán Berbere

“La fundación Dr. Ramon Tallaj ha causado un gran impacto en mi vida. Me otorgó la oportunidad de estudiar medicina. Me ha dado la esperanza de hacer realidad mi sueños... Esta ayuda para mi fue la calma en la tempestad que ha sido mi vida. Dios no olvida a sus hijos y ha utilizado a la fundación Dr. Ramon Tallaj como instrumento.”

Emmanuel De Jesús Hidalgo

“Siempre tuve la meta de obtener una beca para estudiar medicina. Mi aspiración era estudiar en una universidad, como PUCMM por tener una excelente calidad académica; pero era muy costosa. Agradecido con Dios, mis padres; y en especial con la Fundación Dr. Ramón Tallaj por aceptar ser parte crucial en mi formación profesional.”

María Rosa Rodríguez

“Siempre tuve la meta de obtener una beca para estudiar medicina. Mi aspiración era estudiar en una universidad, como PUCMM por tener una excelente calidad académica; pero era muy costosa. Agradecido con Dios, mis padres; y en especial con la Fundación Dr. Ramón Tallaj por aceptar ser parte crucial en mi formación profesional.”

Ericka Lantigua Gabriel

“Con mucho júbilo quiero expresarle mi más sincero agradecimiento a la Fundación Dr. Ramón Tallaj. Mi compromiso es sacarle el mejor provecho a la ayuda que me brinda la Fundación Dr. Ramón Tallaj, para convertirme en un ente provechoso y productivo, que signifique una mejoría en el ámbito profesional en el que se basa mi carrera.”

Pámely Paula María

“Gracias por brindarme la posibilidad de cumplir mi sueño de estudiar la carrera que siempre anhelé; y que, además, me va a impulsar a ser un instrumento para la mejora del mundo. La Fundación Dr. Ramón Tallaj ha sido tanto para mí, como para mi familia, una muestra de que Dios no abandona a sus hijos”

Yomari Araujo Santos

“Envié un formulario a la Fundación Dr. Ramon Tallaj. Unos pocos meses después me llaman y me dicen que fui beneficiada con la beca. Mi felicidad fue inmensa... no lo podía creer, pero sí, ¡era cierto! Le agradezco a Dios por haberme dado esa oportunidad y, por supuesto, también le agradezco a la fundación por esa gran ayuda que me ha dado.”

Isabella Hernández Mena

I thank God for this wonderful gift of putting the Dominican Foundation Dr. Ramón Tallaj on my path. I am fulfilling my dreams of being a university student and studying what I have always wanted, so that in the future I can help society with their mental health.

Alissa Margarita Cuevas López

I want to thank the Dr. Ramon Tallaj Foundation for the opportunity to receive the scholarship that allowed me to complete my degree. It provided me with the motivation and support needed to pursue my academic and professional goals with determination and dedication. Their generosity not only positively impacts my life but also inspires me to work hard to achieve my dreams and contribute significantly to society with Christian values.